Answered By: Sarah Jenkins
Last Updated: Nov 15, 2022     Views: 839

Place a Hold

  1. Go to Library Search.
  2. Sign in to your account in the top right corner.
  3. Search for the item.
  4. Click on the item you want to place on hold.
  5. Under "Get It," click on "Request."
  6. Select On Campus Pickup or Personal Delivery (delivery available for SMU students, faculty, and staff only).
  7. You will receive an email when your item is ready for pickup on campus or to confirm your shipping address, depending on the mode selected.


If you cannot place a hold:

  • Make sure you're logged in to your account. The request option won't show until you log in.
  • Some items, such as reference books, periodicals, course reserves, and some films, can't be placed on hold.